Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cambodia - Phnom Penh

Our first night at Phnom Penh was the saturday and we stayed at the Kings guesthouse (wasnt that flash really). We decided the next day that we would stay at somewhere a bit better so we headed over to what wasw probably the dirty area of the town but also the backpacker district. We then found the Happy Lakeside Guesthouse. Seems every place is either happy or lucky or a bit of both and there is always a "very special price for you"!! The Guesthouse featured a nice outdoor wooden bar area over the lake and an overzealous owner. Most of the pubs/restaurants in that area seemed to cater specifically for westerners and of special mention is an indian place with $2 all you can eat, featuring unlimited cold water. We decided we had been moving around a fair bit and after meeting up with Dan on that sunday we decided we would stay a few nights at the Happy Lakeside. Happy B (the owner) was more than happy to take us to a few of the tourist attractions. So the monday we went to the killing fields followed by the shooting range for Cam and I to fire off some rounds from an AK47. I know, it wasnt a very good idea to follow up a morbid visit with shooting but they were close to each other and we decided against shooting livestock.Spent the next several days lounging around and catching up on sleep. Also purchased a watch from the russian markets which stopped working soon after we got back from the visit. However when we returned a few days later she did replace the face with one that was working (and then proceeded to wrap up the broken one to sell to the next sucker). Oh and part of the watch broke yesterday, tho I should still be happy cos I can tell the time.

Cambodia seems a lot more dusty than vietnam. I think this is due to the huge amount of concrete in Nam enabling all the rubbish to just wash away. Also seems to be a lot more cars in Cambodia than Vietnam. Oh, and the bling. Exhaust with flashing LEDs around them. Chrysler badges stuck on above a toyota badge of a toyota car. Seems very crazy but as our Mekong tour guide said "You got the money you get the honey". Also explains why most guys seem to be spending all their time lounging around on their bike and trying their best to display it to any girls walking by. Note to any future visitors: Be sure to visit the Seeing Hands massage place. Blind people who will give you the best massage ever and for only $4.50. The proceeds also go to help blind people and the massages are 'clean'.

Killing fields
Happy Lakeside Guesthouse

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