Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cambodia - Siem Reap

Lost track of the days/date but after about 4 days in Phnom Penh we headed up to Siem Reap so that we could check out all the awesome temples. Must say that they are pretty amazing, Ankar Wat in particular. Also saw Ta Phrom which is the one from Tomb raider. Girls are currently at an Orphanage and we are going to catch the place tomorrow to get to Vientiene in Laos. Will post pictures of the temples when I go through the 200 odd photos. And this morning we got up early to catch the sunrise at Ankar Wat but there was so much cloud cover it was a bit of a let down. Busloads of tourists trekking through all the temples too. Siem Reap seems nicer, less crime, friendlier people than Phonm Penh and the place we have spent the last 2 nights at (The Ancient Ankar) has a pool, tho it isnt finished yet. :(

1 comment:

meph31 said...

Na, Get back on the 5th Jan. Spending christmas floating in a tube down the river, stopping by at the bars on the way. :D